Hi Everyone. Looks like a chilly weekend here on the East Coast. What in the world are you up to? Anyone working on interesting film projects? I'm always interested in a good story! Working on a few myself.
Hi Everyone. Looks like a chilly weekend here on the East Coast. What in the world are you up to? Anyone working on interesting film projects? I'm always interested in a good story! Working on a few myself.
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Hi Conrad - what's your favourite wine?
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Yeah, I'd like to know that too :) . Gotta tell you, Conrad, I don't miss those east coast winters. As to current projects, producing a couple and circling a new screenplay project I've been asked to write. Fleshing it all out. Also about to announce some very cool Stage 32 partner (and other news). Keeping multiple lines in the water.
No films - I'm a TV guy (indie writer-producer in Reno). Our webseries, No Tomorrow, looks at the homeless in a different way. Episode 1 here: https://youtu.be/xFx1I-um1ms
And our in dev half-hour dramedy, Big Water, offers a look into Native American culture, as well as having a mandate to use POC (esp. NA) as much as we can - in front and behind the camera.
And it's chilly here, too, in the high Sierra desert!
Hello Conrad - Still on the east coast? I have a script based in Brooklyn. Looking for some East Coast people/scene to work with.
I lived in MA for many, many years. 2 years ago relocated to Florida. Been the coldest winter down here in ages. Can't escape it LOL I don't so much mind the cold though. I'm the type of guy to wear flip-flops, shorts, and a sleeveless in 40 degree weather. Floridians got on full blown snow gear once the temp drops below 60.
Working on a feature-length comedy spec. Hope to have it done by the end of the month!
Whoops! Yeah, you're right! I meant the first draft.
I apologize for the delayed responses... I hope everyone is well, and that the Coronavirus has bypassed you!
Fav Wine? Anything from Cuvaison Winery in Napa Valley! www.cuvaison.com Their wine is fantastic. My Local Favorite here in Maryland is Ironmaster Reserve Cabernet from Springfield Manor www.springfieldmanor.com
You can see my logline CABARET RED LIGHT. The 3rd Sex is under revision.
How about this log-line: Would-be dictator wants to depopulate the word, so funds abortion clinics, unleashes virus that targets the old, and legalizes drug that makes people stupid. (Sci/Fi or Documentary?) :)