Hey everyone. I’m a screenwriter from Dallas, TX, currently living on Lake Texoma. My leading script is a feature called Charlie Horse about a teenager crippled by polio that competes in rodeos throughout Oklahoma. I’m currently working on a feature about a father and son relationship. Together they endure divorce, graduation, and finding themselves.
I also recently helped the Dallas International Film Festival launch a screenwriting competition that allows all scripts to be read by top Hollywood agencies. For those interested, check out the link on my profile page.
Always open to new ideas and collaboration opportunities. Just shoot me a message.
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Welcome, Zack. Happy to chat anytime.
1 person likes this
Very cool. Welcome.
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Best of luck, Zack. One of the best striper lakes in the country.
Thanks for sharing Zack. I will be sure to check out the festival. Your projects sound great by the way. When they are released let us know how we can see them.