Introduce Yourself : Hello! by Hunter Murphy

Hunter Murphy


Hey! My name is Hunter, and I'm a new screenwriter.

I have written and polished two screenplays so far, and I am working on more at the moment.

I have no experience in film mainly because I lack the connections to make my screenplays actually happen. I found this site and I am giving it a shot. I emailed loads of producers and film executives, but they either didn't respond or turned me down because they were "too busy." It seems like in order to become a successful screenwriter you need to have strong connections in the field, which I clearly don't have.

Sara Juno

Hey Hunter. Welcome on Stage32!

Apolos Israel

Hey hunter, i know the feeling. Heres my plan, maybe it could work for you. Get a job if you don't already have one and save up. Come up with a budget and stick to it. Use the time youre saving to write a kick ass shootable (this is important) short. Hire a good indie producer who will help you get a reliable cast and crew. This is the point I'm at but I'm hoping to use this short to get investors and to eventually make the short a feature. Im not saying this I guarenteed success but It will show others you're a serious film making

Phil Clarke

Hi Hunter. Welcome, and thanks for your connection request. Happy to chat with you about your writing and career progression. Feel free to message me any time.

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