Filmmaking / Directing : Film Festival Opportunity! by Bryant Geary

Film Festival Opportunity!

Hello, my stage32 family! I just wanted to let you know about a film festival happening. If you have a short film (5-10 minutes) I urge you to submit it to this incredible film festival.

Debbie Croysdale

@Bryant I wish this much success, we need new festivals like this to reach out to more local artists and broaden geographical boundaries. The “open” jury is cool where we “know” the three people because even in some festivals who call themselves “big” the choosing is done behind closed doors. We hear phrases in some cities like “British Awards” but never hear “according to who”. I cannot take part cos Im not in USA but all the best.

Laura Lewis-Barr

Thanks! As a newbie filmmaker I'm always looking for these but in terms of my budget, I seek festivals that have early bird submission periods that require much less than $30 for a 5 minute film. These festival fees really add up

Tasha Lewis

Thank you for the opportunity!

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