I was searching for a nice industry day(s) where I can network and follow some workshops or masterclasses in Europe. There are many, and while I am browsing all the events, does somebody has any favorites in Europe? I went to a couple in the Netherlands and they were nice, but basic. I'm more interested in workshops or talks on distributing, selling, financing, or producing etc. Any tips are welcome!
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never been but I hear Cannes Film Festival is the place where players go to make and sell movies
Yes, indeed it's a really great festival. I have been to the festival but haven't attended the film market itself yet unfortunaly. It's high on my list, though not affordable at the moment lol. :)
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looks like MIPCOM in October is the next best opportunity
I attended many years ago (we had a short in the non-judged screening). I think every serious filmmaker ought to attend just for the experience. (We didn't sell the film.)
My experience and talking to other producers is that Cannes (film market) does not get films sold. All the hard work happens weeks before and Cannes is where you may close.
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Hi Marleen, in terms of workshops and education, I'd highly recommend watching Stage 32's education. We are the education partner of a lot of film festivals and program their education with our educators: https://www.stage32.com/education