Hello everyone from sunny Manchester in the UK. Just want to say hello to all my fellow filmmakers at this time. Hope everyone is looking after themselves and family. I'm taking the time to catch up on reading a bunch of submitted scripts and give more time to feedback than I normally could. Stay safe and I'm giving you all a virtual hug
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Love the energy in this post. Keep staying busy and productive, my friend. And stay safe.
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You too
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Hello Peter, from my beloved home town of Manchester UK. Hope all's well up there. (I'm now in London) Enjoy your extra script reading time and I hope you find / write some gems to Produce.
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Hi Peter, I'm from sunny London, good to e-meet you and hear about your expertise. I'm producing a couple of features at the moment, in different stages of development, so like you really using the downtime to get the nitty gritty out of the way. I'm first time producing a feature, so this lull is very helpful in writing out the business plan :)
Stay safe and hope you'll find a couple of ace scripts.