Hi to the Stage32 Community,
Tuesday, 2nd week of our county's shut-down, and it feels surreal. Hoping everyone is staying safe. I'm busy at my home office keeping up with my client requests ( I do websites - maintenance, fixes, design, etc. ) But it looks like I'm not a good be-at-home-work-and-focus person, 'cause it's 12:25 and I'm on Stage32, having just looked at my stocks, then Facebook, and the Covid19 interactive map, which I'm sure everyone here has done or is doing right now. In fifteen minutes, I'll toodle off to the kitchen and have a sandwich, whereupon I'll watch the neighborhood cat, we call Fred, chase birds in our backyard.
I'm currently working on two scripts: one is an action-thriller with humor about a construction boss on the hunt for his army brother's stolen stuff that includes incriminating evidence. On a tip, they break into a storage unit from the backside using a Sawzall and discover the thieves are running a human trafficking ring.
The other is a Lovecraftian Horror / minimal locations, and cast - about a metal box in an abandoned apartment building, in an off-route town, that has been declared a "Hazardous Site". A foster child inherits the property when she traces her DNA, and must deal with the local officials who want the problem fixed once and for all.
Other than that, finishing a middle grade novel, improving my illustration chops with SVS Learn and keeping up with my writing community.
Nice to meet you, busy lady! If you're checking the Covid maps, do the math on mortality (except in Italy, they have something uniquely sad going on), it'll put your mind at ease. Other than that, working from home is not for the faint of heart or the folks with A.D.D.
Your stories sound great! Keep on writing...don't let that evil little cat distract you!
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Nice to meet you as well Cannon. Thanks for the words of optimism and encouragement! Happy writing and creating to you. I hope you are pitching!
Hi Karen! Sounds like you've got some great script ideas going. How far along are you with each? What's your biggest obstacle with them? Also, as a cat mom, I want to hear more about this "Fred' character ;)
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Hi Jen! On my "Power tools vs Guns" script ( not the title, though) I've got the full beat sheet, it's on the board, got my characters - and half way through the first draft. The other one, which is inspired by a Lovecraft short story called The Haunter of the Dark, is a first draft. It's in a period of rest at the moment :-) The cat; he's a cutie. We call him Fred, because he looks like Fred Astaire, and has his gracefulness. All black with white paws and a white tuxedo face and chest. He likes to walk up to our sliding back door and make our tabby go into a tizzy. We've noticed that he's acquired an aqua blue collar, because, I'm sure, his owners have figured out he likes to roam.
Love your energy, Karen, and that you're not only keeping yourself busy and motivating others to do so as well. And don't kill yourself for spending some "work time" here on Stage 32. We all need to feel connected these days. May the Writing Gods be with you...
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Thanks Richard! Looking forward to the AMA session tomorrow!
Thank you, Karen. I am as well. Think it's going to be a lively one...