A pitch deck is usually asked for, not something you push up the chain. It's usually when dealing with people at the higher levels like Execs or agents that don't have time to read a script and they only want the big picture. It's usually something producers do because it involves a lot of information regarding finances and box office market and foreign sales projections or TV ratings and things like budgets and graphics. These are usually shopped out to pull of the information together and have the graphics done.
Julius, drop a line to Jason Mirch, our Director of Script Services. He works with our writers, filmmakers, producers, and the hundreds of execs who work with Stage 32. He can point you to some free content we have here and offer some guidance. His email is J.Mirch@stage32.com
David Trotti good link... Yes. A pitch deck is not super difficult if you work with PowerPoint a lot. The only hard part is with the budget and financing projections. Those aren't difficult if there are similar movie examples to use.
Here's one Armando Hernandez has for LowFi. For the cast, he put in his "dream" list of people. It does have some crew mentioned. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/527a95b2e4b02b647846bf0d/t/597f44cb725e2562b8bbf720/1501512916066/LOWFI+Production+Deck+2017+FINAL+OUTPUT.pdf
Hey Julius Thompson! Great question. There are a lot of ways to connect with the right people. Send me an email and tell me a bit more about your project and I will do what I can to help you out!
A pitch deck is usually asked for, not something you push up the chain. It's usually when dealing with people at the higher levels like Execs or agents that don't have time to read a script and they only want the big picture. It's usually something producers do because it involves a lot of information regarding finances and box office market and foreign sales projections or TV ratings and things like budgets and graphics. These are usually shopped out to pull of the information together and have the graphics done.
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Julius, drop a line to Jason Mirch, our Director of Script Services. He works with our writers, filmmakers, producers, and the hundreds of execs who work with Stage 32. He can point you to some free content we have here and offer some guidance. His email is J.Mirch@stage32.com
Omg you guys. I'm just trying to wrap my head around the idea that I need to make a 'look book' for my specs. What the heck is a pitch deck
David Trotti good link... Yes. A pitch deck is not super difficult if you work with PowerPoint a lot. The only hard part is with the budget and financing projections. Those aren't difficult if there are similar movie examples to use.
Here's an example of a 35 slide deck. It's a bit advanced because it includes slides for talent and top crew that might not be known early in the process. https://www.slideshare.net/pitchdesigncompany/feature-film-pitch-deck
Here's one Armando Hernandez has for LowFi. For the cast, he put in his "dream" list of people. It does have some crew mentioned. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/527a95b2e4b02b647846bf0d/t/597f44cb725e2562b8bbf720/1501512916066/LOWFI+Production+Deck+2017+FINAL+OUTPUT.pdf
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On a side note, it's usually printed out, not projected. Most people will tell you never to leave it behind after the pitch...
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Hey Julius Thompson! Great question. There are a lot of ways to connect with the right people. Send me an email and tell me a bit more about your project and I will do what I can to help you out!
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Jason I will send and email! Thank you so much!