Introduce Yourself : Artists Under Quarantine by Solgerd Isalv

Solgerd Isalv

Artists Under Quarantine

Fellow Artists, I am living in Bavaria, Germany, where the theaters and concert halls closed March 13th. In a small gesture to create a kind of culture club online, where artists can get an outlet from home under unconventional and relaxed circumstances, making it possible to create something with the limited means which the isolation force upon us but more importantly - to create something for people who are sitting isolated at home, I've created a YouTube Channel called #CultureContinued which will exist only during the time of LockDown. I think isolation is very hard upon a social being as we humans are and I would be very happy if you would share this channel with those who need it, especially those who might not consume social media normally.

There is a crowdfunding connected to it too, the link is under every post, please consider sharing that as well. It would be of great help for all freelancers involved in the project.

Thank you and stay healthy and safe!

Lauran Childs

Good luck!

WL Wright

Good luck but hey as a writer I have been isolation life for longer than this pandemic...feels cathartic and FUN! My other job before was way to serious UGH!

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