Hi everyone. I hope that you are all good? I have been researching some questions relating to audition scripts. I am in the market to purchase a few but wanted to understand the terms of use of these scripts. I am looking for clarifications on validity time frames, commercial use, obligations and any other considerations that will enable smooth use of the content.
I'd appreciate if anyone from the community could provide some guidance. Reach me on ebrahim@rangestudios.us.
Thanks, regards, and stay safe.
Scripts that could be used for auditions, workshops and demos.
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This is what I could find:
https://mocksides.com/ --- personalized scripts (costs money)
Rutger Oosterhoff Looks like a nice resource.
Yes, google is our friend.
Thanks Rutger. This does help. I came across the monologueblogger but I wanted to have a more direct chat with creatives that have engaged in writing these types of scripts for commercial use.
Ok got it, you have to look futher I think...
What sort of scripts are you after? Solo performance pieces? I’ll write one for you. They are good writing exercises. How many minutes etc.
I used to Produce a lot of Actor monologues for their reels and audition purposes. I don't recall their titles, but I have seen books full of monologues.
Thanks Rutger. Looking forward to having a chat some time. Craig, Doug, thanks for responding. Doug, I notice that there are several books on Amazon, so I will certainly start digging right there. As a matter of fact, there is a mountain out there.