Your Stage : Affordable Pitch Decks? Sound Design Music? Graphic Design? I got you covered! We're in this together! by Robert Alexander

Robert Alexander

Affordable Pitch Decks? Sound Design Music? Graphic Design? I got you covered! We're in this together!

Hi everyone!

I've met some amazing people through here and figured that I could meet others who are interested in partnering, collaborating and other areas of creating synergy and flow with creative projects and other realms of success in industry.

I have been doing graphic design for almost 20 years, and also have created lots of exclusive audio content for businesses. I also have a label signed music project and have music on Pandora, Spotify and other places online! I also have music on mindfulness apps as well.

Always happy to help out whenever I can and if there's synergy with what we do - that's the most important thing. We are all in this together!

Christina Patjens

Hey Robert, collab is the right keyword. As I'm current editing a graphic novel script, how about to team up next? Best, from Hamburg, Germany.

Robert Alexander

Absolutely Christina! There are so many ways to go about doing things as a team where everyone can benefit. What type of resources are you seeking at the moment? :)

Christina Patjens

Well, what about to develop a story together, you design the pics, I do write the script for the panels. Something like this. I can pass over some of my writing if you like?

Robert Alexander

Sure! You can if you'd like! I don't know if you are looking for illustrators, however I know people who may be able to help based on budgets and such. I have a different skill set than illustrations. Feel free to send me what feels right at

Christina Patjens

I tried to send you a mail. It says, the account doesn't exist.

Robert Alexander

I received your email! It worked!

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