Introduce Yourself : Post-Production by Srini Sathya

Srini Sathya


Hello Stage32 Colleagues,

Sri here from VA, USA. We have an post-production studio and can help you with all your post-production help.

We have different packages for different set of films, some will cut your post-production budget by 20-30%. Please reach out to me if you need any help on your post-production needs and we will do our best to help you.

Best Regards,


Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Sri! Nice to meet you! I was looking over your profile, but you don't have much there. Tell me about yourself! Don't forget you can post your reel and website information on your profile as well!

Hey, you're in my old neighborhood! I just moved to LA from Gaithersburg, MD, but was raised in Springfield, VA. Where in the DMV are you?

Have you checked out the Post-Production Lounge? I think you'll find some interesting conversations going on over there:

Enjoy exploring!

Srini Sathya

Hey Karen, I am from the Northern VA. Glad to see a fellow VAian here. yes I have checked the Post Production Lounge, but nothing fruitful came out of it. Hopefully trying to find some post production work soon through Stage32. Thanks for the hints, it was helpful, I will try to write something on my bio.

Dinesh "Dee" Alvis

Hey Sri, great to meet you. I'd love to get to know about your work. Let's chat some time. Take care,


Srini Sathya

Sure Dinesh, lets chat sometime next week.

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