Introduce Yourself : Stacy Thowe - Novelist, short story writer and screenwriter by Stacy Thowe

Stacy Thowe

Stacy Thowe - Novelist, short story writer and screenwriter

Hello Everyone,

Just diving in to the Introduce Yourself weekend. I am a novelist by trade, but love, love dialogue. Being a writer I am a definite people watcher. I study the way they speak, the way they move and their hesitations and body language. If you are a friend of mine, you are always in danger of showing up in one of my novels because my characters are always based on people I know, or have met somewhere, even for just a moment. I believe you have to be able to see the character in order to truly write them. My novels are currently available on Amazon. I have a women's fiction novel coming out at the end of this year. I truly love screenwriting, but have fallen in love with Rom-Coms, which I fear are on their way out. So I am left watching my oldies but goodies over and over again because there aren't any good ones coming out currently. I have written a great one and have been trying to get it out to someone who can take it to the next level. Let me know if you are a Rom-Com fanatic also. Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy out there. There seems to be plenty of time to write right now. Just finished another novel and I am currently editing it. A long process. So glad to meet all of you.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Stacy Thowe! Nice to meet you! Oh, man, if you're ready to pitch your RomComs, now's the time to do it! RomComs are ALWAYS in demand, but especially now! Definitely email Jason Mirch for recommendations for executives that might jive with your projects:

Definitely drop in and check out the Authoring & Playwriting Lounge ( and Screenwriting ( for some great discussions on areas of your interest. We have a super-supportive community of writers/producers!

Ooo, Kansas?! Would you be interested in participating in the "Paris, Je T'aime" challenge I posted in the Filmmakers Lounge? It's just a fun way to get to know people through their city:

Enjoy exploring, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too!

John James

Well that's really cool Stacy.

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