So I'm working on my first film and the producer gave me His word, I'd get 10% of everything the film makes in exchange for not getting a fixed sum or option. I took his word, but now I want to draft a written contract to that effect, and I don't know how to go about it. I plan on writing 10% ownership of the film in the contract, but I'm wondering if I should also put percentage shares in the total distributor's profit, net profit, producer's profit and all of the other stuff screenwriters are entitled to. Please I need guidance. Thanks
Hi! Thanks for your suggestion, but I have already drafted the script, so I'm kind of knee deep in it. And No, the finances aren't all in place yet and he has produced just one film. I'm new to this and I have sought but not found the screenwriters association in my country. That's why I'm here.. i want to if the percentage ownership of the film already covers the other payments I should get from it
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Always get everything in writing!
Thank you so so much!! I will follow your advice and, I will have as much fun as I can. Thanks again
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Most films make nothing. Only lose money. And ten percent of "what" exactly. Not to mention Holywood accounting. Get a lawyer. Get paid upfront, or walk away!
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I'm surprised he isn't presenting a contract. I'm not sure how you plan to make a profit on the film but distribution companies will require that everyone that is owed from the film gives them a copy of the contract. Sales agents also require the same. Your contract should be as thorough as possible. If you have the money, contact an entertainment attorney and have them draft one.
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"A verbal contract isn't worth the paper it's written on."
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I agree with William although I'd phrase it differently: A verbal contract is only worth the paper it's not written on. Look at it mathmaticly; 10% of $0.00 is how much?
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Yikes. This is not a good situation for you at all. If I were in your position I'd sit down with the producer for a chat about it. I'd try to make him draft the contract first and then take it to a lawyer afterwards. He should be clear in his intentions, you shouldn't be presenting a producer with a contract that the producer hasn't agreed on, it's unusual. A verbal contract is not an invitation to serve a producer a legal document without a consultation first. Talk to him, get it in writing and whilst you're at it, make your requests to get all that a screenwriter is entitled to and have him add it to the agreement. I think you just need to communicate with the guy and remind him it's his job to give you a clear contract to avoid misunderstandings.
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CJ Walley Nailed it! I was about to respond with so many of your statements. need, you are spot on! I just learned this in Contract Law. Having an attorney in this business is SO imperative. Thanks for sharing a wealth of information!
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Uzoma, much of this advice is very useful and can be used as the basis for a contract you work out with your entertainment attorney. But a word of caution. If you live in Nigeria and your film is being produced there, American laws/contract ideas may not be enforceable there and may have to comply with Nigerian industry standards. If that's the case, check with an attorney there to make sure you're protected.
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Go with what Dan said, 'get the cash up front'. Backend deals are pretty much dead now unless you're a top producer, director or actor.
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Wow!! I will have a sitdown with the producer and have the terms of the compensation explicitly defined. Thank you all so much for the wealth in this thread. And, I will seek professional advice especially as pertains to my country's laws.
Good luck Uzoma. Hope the chat goes well.
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There is a great webinar on demand with Entertainment Attorney Thomas A. Crowell, called "Protect Yourself: Understanding And Breaking Down Shopping Option And Attachment Legal Agreements"! I highly recommend it for just your situation! He does an amazing job of explaining things in an understandable way! I think it's a must for all Screenwriters & Producers! Definitely when it comes to negotiating ownership & back end compensation! Best of luck! :)
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Wow! First congratulations. Second, don't rush this. You are at an extremely important point in the film's production. I hesitate to give you advice here but suffice to say the exclusive rights to the screenplay needs to be clarified and is the 10% based on the revenue or the net receipts. Is the script being ended into an incorporated company owned by the Producer? You have to know the mechanisms of determining the 10%. Too many people move forward with the best of intentions and then find themselves in a puddle that can soon turn into a swamp. Ask the producer questions as to the production model. Are their accountants involved? That type of question. Sorry, I can't be of more help! For what it's worth!