Be careful using zoom. Apparently they have so-so security. I was on a zoom call earlier today and we were talking TV pilots then boom - A couple of racist hackers came in drawing genitalia & the N word all over the documents. Normally I laugh this stuff off but to be honest I’m quite frustrated. From the laughs I deduced they were younger. If you’re wondering, yes, they were, but you knew that already. They saw black people on a zoom call and went to town. As a result we had to reschedule the call. Can’t even mind my business virtually.
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That's messed up. Sorry , that happened.
Thanks, me too.
Sorry that happened too.
did you have the waiting room turned on? I have heard this could happen but thought the waiting room was suppose to offer some level of protection? I'm trying to remember the other setting I was told to click off that is suppose to make it harder. Maybe that's what happened in the group I was on the other day because they kept asking if they could submit porn. That was a wordpress training.
So sorry that happened to you! But thanks for the heads up about Zoom!
Sorry to hear this. Keep up your good attitude and keep going. Go strong!
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Alternate platform: uberconference. For those not up on current events, a simple google search will show you these CONFIRMED issues with Zoom: FBI warnings on using it at all, encryption keys passing through China, personal information of participants showing up on Chinese websites, ownership tied to CCP ("immigrant" but funneling info through mainland China), "troll" logins on "private" webinars (especially but not exclusively where CCP or Chinese government is criticized), general security issues - which Zoom founder has said will be and have been addressed, but none of which seem to have been addressed. DO NOT USE ZOOM, EVER, EVER, EVER, IMO.
Hey, Ethan Frome, that's terrible, sir. Have you checked in on the other participants? It's only happened to me once, but it can be traumatizing.
The executives did a few interviews on always using password protection to avoid this.
Karen "Kay" Ross We ended the call and decided to reschedule for today. Went about it a little differently. It went well.
Tasha Lewis we actually did have a password.
Discuss contingency plans with them. But have backups like,, and other alternatives just in case. If you are discussing IP, you may want to include in your business insurance.
Ethan Frome Tasha Lewis I have used uberconference extensively and it works well, at least for small groups or ~10. The issue with Google Hangouts is that the quality still sucks and the reliability is low. And don't forget Google abandoned it's commitment to developing solid encryption a couple years ago. Skype's quality is moderately good but it is very limited and doesn't do video conferencing. Telegram is reliable, with good quality, but again doesn't do conferencing (yet). That's the reason people like Zoom, but it's seemingly designed security holes are a deal breaker for me.