independent motion picture and film producer
PMD (Producer of Advertising, Marketing, and Distribution).
To make commercially successful movies.
To work with talented and award-winning filmmakers.
To have a breakthrough hit.
I am an international independent motion picture and Film producer, having 2 decades of film industry experience backed by many courses from prestigious institutions like Raindance, Four Corners Workshop, and Theater Venture, etc.
My career journey started with theater and consequently moves to film making. I involved myself as a producer and/or investor in short films and features. Today I am an international independent motion picture and Film producer. I make commercially successful feature films and niche market films.
My professional contacts consider me fully equipped with 4Is (i.e. Ideas, Innovation, Intelligence, and Information) with immense networking among prestigious industry personalities both in production and finance. The industry has recognized my contribution through many awards such as Millennium Awards fellow.
I have an unparalleled zeal for innovation and passion for work with a vision "Art for art sake, money for God sake"
I believe in trusting people and value integrity, honor among the people that are my friends, contacts, associates and those that I work with. I pay specific attention to all the details up to a very fine level and I consider it as one of the critical reasons behind my success.
Inspiring quote for me is "Success is not an event but the result of continuous Smart Work with Strong Determination and Visionary directions"
Hello Taraq. I am a writer if you are looking for stories we should talk. I need a motivated honest person in my corner.
Hey, Taraq Qureshi! Nice to meet you! I was looking over your profile, but you don't have much there. Maybe use some of this post for your bio? Also, you should definitely add a profile picture as members are much more likely to want to collaborate with someone they can see.
I would love for your to start a conversation in the Producing Lounge from your extensive experience!
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