Producing : AMA: Help Me Help You - Producers by Karen "Kay" Ross

Karen "Kay" Ross

AMA: Help Me Help You - Producers

Hey, Stage32 Producers!

Richard "RB" Botto got a FANTASTIC question about what we can do to help other aspects of filmmaking other than writing (and by virtue of that, producing). So, let's start a little virtual Town Hall Q&A:

- What do you need help with? What is your immediate goal? What are your long-term goals?

- What have you experienced in the past that has worked? What pitfalls would you like to avoid?

- What suggestions do you have that would allow us to come together and help each other?

Respond below and then share this discussion with three members you'd like to weigh in and participate!


Eugene Mandelcorn

I am looking for people with experience in Virtual Reality.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Great, thanks, Eugene Mandelcorn! I'm thinking more like a regular program - weekly, monthly - that would allow people like you to get more from the platform.

Would a Cattle Call be of value, you think? It's like open casting, but where lots of employers interview at the same time and can be done for tech/crew as well.

Elaine Roberts-Kercheff

You mean help with other than writing and producing?

Karen "Kay" Ross

Yes, Elaine Roberts-Kercheff, precisely! There are many people in production roles that don't have as many immediate benefits as our writers or the producers who work with them.

So, for example, what if we hosted a kind of "Check It Before You Wreck It" Day where people could submit a 5-minute clip of something they are working on and get feedback from the community? Anything else come to mind?

Elaine Roberts-Kercheff

That's a great idea, actually. There are so many roles and areas that can be useful. The clips are good for scenes, sizzles/reels that come from filmmakers, editors, directors, producers. Even set designers and make-up artists can post what they're working on to get help/feedback. Or someone trying to do a pitch. Is that kind of what you were thinking?

Eugene Mandelcorn

Well, the whispering in each other ears, changes a topic tremendously, and we only have 3 ears, excuse me, 6 ears involved, so far. I am looking for people with experience in Virtual Reality, material that can be produced even during this pandemic. I have written a Virtual Reality Immersive Solution Play (VRISP). It can be produced with Avatars, Green Screen and Voice Over. We will not have to worry about distancing and washing our hands every minute. Here is an advanced example of using VR:

But what I have written is much simpler to produce, all 2 dimensional, no holograms. We don't even need goggles, it can play directly on the Internet.

Tasha Lewis

I need tips on best ways to approach producers about my projects. I took a class on What Producers Want. I will use the tips but I would like advice on closing the deal.

John Ellis

Bottom line, most indie producers are first and foremost, looking for financing.

Anything along the lines of getting projects - esp. those still script stage - in front of real money men/women would be of the most use.

WITHOUT any upfront fees, monthly memberships and so on - because then it would be more about taking money from indie projects than about evaluating the success potential of those projects.

Dan MaxXx

If folks are looking for individual investors for indie movies, attend a Dentist convention. Dentists are loaded! My Dentist bought a $90,000 motorcycle from Keenu Reeves :)

Elaine Roberts-Kercheff

Hi Karen! Hope all is well. Just wanted to follow up and see if any suggestions sparked any ideas for hosting a place for filmmakers to received helpful feedback?

Tasha Lewis

Dentists have stories to be told. I had the same dentist from age 11 until he retired. He and his family were like family. I joked that if he retired, I was going to go to his home for care since he took such great care of my teeth. No matter how much I moved or travelled, I always found my way back to my dentist. The sad part is there is a decline in the number of dentist based on my years of discussions with my dentist. That would be an excellent documentary on the decline of the number of dentist and how to encourage more students to go into dentistry.

Doug Nelson

Dan M - careful there, you're givin' away some of my secrets (Veterinarians are pretty good too).

Elaine Roberts-Kercheff

John Ellis Well said!!

Eugene Mandelcorn

Tasha, I see you are a multi-hyphenate in this industry. If you have material: scripts and completed projects, where the story and the execution are meaningful and flawless, you should have no problem in getting projects made.

Christopher Xavier Lozano

Dear Karen E Ross .... Am I on the wrong thread?

Or was a virtual Town Hall Q&A the goal with these questions to producers:

- What do you need help with? What is your immediate goal? What are your long-term goals?

- What have you experienced in the past that has worked? What pitfalls would you like to avoid?

- What suggestions do you have that would allow us to come together and help each other?

I also could not find yours however if this is correct please help me with the correct link?

Thank You and Love the idea with ideas, just wonted to be on correct page. ^_^"

Tasha Lewis

Thank you for the vote of confidence Eugene. I put my professor hat on and look at it from a checklist perspective. I believe in my projects and will use my resource ebook entitled "Funding for Internship and Scholarship Programs." I know that the answer will help everyone at Stage 32. The information will assist me during pitching and any other aspect of collaborating with the producers.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Elaine Roberts-Kercheff! Technically, we already have the platform - you could post those clips in the lounges and ask for feedback right now. But, similar to Introduce Yourself Weekend, sometimes it takes an event to get people involved. The Introduce Yourself Lounge is always there, people just jump on it when there is a special event.

To be clear, this isn't something that _I_ am going to do for y'all, this is something that _we_ are going to do as a community, or it won't happen.

So, for example, to generate interest, I'll take the majority of Friday as part of #FilmmakerFriday to hang out in the Filmmaking and Post-Production Lounges to give feedback on any clips posted. BUT, if we want to make this really a community effort, I'm asking for ALL OF US to participate.

We still have to abide by community rules, of course - if you just post a link, then it's promotional and goes into the Your Stage Lounge (which I will visit as well). But if you want specific feedback, then post the link with questions to prompt responses, which will allow the link to stay in the subject-specific lounges.

How does this sound to y'all?

Tasha Lewis

Great idea!

Doug Nelson

What do I need? Crew and actors. Unfortunately, I'm located in an area with a very shallow talent pool.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Doug Nelson- there is a Stage32 member, Heidi, who started Zoom table reads. You could host your own or listen in on others to start finding talent elsewhere.

Eugene Mandelcorn

Hi Karen, How do I get in touch with Heidi?

Tony Greenberg

I need help in many areas - but there's one issue I am looking for ideas in today: I'm working on a number of features in various stages of development. I would like to create websites for each of these features. Any useful links for training or developing a film website would be very helpful to me.

Doug Nelson

Karen - been there; done that.

Tasha Lewis

Today's blog may help along with other Stage 32 Blog.

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