Introduce Yourself : Brannon here - Creative Cyclone... by Brannon Hollingsworth

Brannon Hollingsworth

Brannon here - Creative Cyclone...

Greetings all! I'm Brannon Hollingsworth a creative cyclone from the Deep South and one half of the Christian animation/development studio, Brainy Pixel Productions ( Personally, I've been creating since I was in middle school and I am an author, speaker, poet, publisher, game designer, content creator, script writer, art director, and unapologetic Christ-follower. I'm the proud father of five, four of whom are home-schooled.

I'm the creator of and the co-author of H20 the novel, the first in the Eternal Elements Series, from AMG Publishers. Other recent works include the comic "Sundered" (for Awful Good Games), "Tenet's Tale", part of the mosaic novel Skein of Shadows from Dark Quest Publishing; "Firestarter", part of The Guestbook, an Amazon best selling horror anthology from Four Fools Press, Angel's Glow, Part 1 of The Peacock Papers, The Truth Is Out There, Cold Vengeance, and Ambush (parts of the supernaturally-laced Tenet's Tales series), Nod, a supernatural shocker, Russian Apemen from Space, a rollicking genre-mash-up roller coaster, Prelude to Okolona, a shocking Civil War spook tale, To Live and Die in Dixie, a massive collection of frightful Southern tales, a titanic anthology of crazy good stories entitled The First Four Years,  Robot Dad, which was my first foray into fully illustrated children's' books, and many more...

I've also been published extensively in the role-playing industry, writing fiction and designing games for several publishers including: Paizo Publishing, Sword & Sorcery Studios, Green Ronin Press, Bastion Press, Sovereign Press, Necromancer Games, Atlas Games, Fantasy Flight Games, Eden Studios, Skeleton Key Games, Ignitus Innovations, Wandering Men Studios, Dark Quest Games, Ambient, Inc., and Citizen Games. I was also published in several role-playing periodicals such as Dragon Magazine, Gaming Frontiers, and The EN World Player's Journal and am proud to say that I was a co-creator and producer of my own card based role-playing game, Untold, called "...a clever idea well executed..." and "Excellent" by Forbes. My publications are not limited to game design and fiction, however, as my work has appeared in County Extra Magazine and on the websites Atlas Obscura and Unemploymentville.

As one half of the leadership and creative engine/primary creator and writer behind Brainy Pixel Productions, I've created tons of online content, such as educational and entertainment videos for sites such as YouTube (The HowtoDrawandPaint Channel and The PicTrain channel), Udemy, Curious, PublicVine, and others. Recently, we've sold the PicTrain series to multiple streaming services such as,, 24Flix, Smile of a Child, as well as TBN, the Trinity Broadcast Network, the largest Christian cable channel on the planet.

I joined Stage32 to connect with other folks in the entertainment industry as Brainy Pixel is looking for producers and investors to help fund production of several new series I've created, like Cubekins, Four World Four, The Divine Nine, and others. Looking forward to meeting you all!

Pertinent Links: - Brainy Pixel Productions - Brainy Pixel's Animation Styles Reel - More info on Cubekins - More info on Fourth World Four - More info on The PicTrain - My Amazon Author Page - Four Fools Press, my indy publishing imprint

Jason Mirch

Great to have you here Brannon Hollingsworth! You've definitely got a lot going on! The last project I worked on was an animated feature, so I know the challenges you're facing. Glad we're able to connect!

Brannon Hollingsworth

Likewise, Jason! Any current interest in family-friendly animated series? I'd love the opportunity to show you what we're working on. :)

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