Introduce Yourself : I, Sammon, in the Third Person by John William Sammon

John William Sammon

I, Sammon, in the Third Person

John Sammon is a freelance writer and newspaper reporter, novelist and historical fiction writer, non-fiction book writer, political pundit and column writer, comedy and humor writer, screenplay writer, film narrator and a member of the Screen Actors Guild. Mr. Sammon has had experiences including sitting in a hut with two other guys at the Bridge of No Return (Loneliest Outpost in the World) on the border of North Korea surrounded by hostile North Korean soldiers, appearing in a biker sci fi movie (Deathsport) with David Carradine, featured as a gangster on the TV show General Hospital, and having beers (Pacifico Beer) with Clint Eastwood. He lives with his wife near Pebble Beach.

Jason Mirch

Hey John William Sammon I am the Director of Script Services at Stage 32. Really glad you are a part of the community. What sort of novels and historical fiction are you writing at the moment? Very curious to hear more!

John William Sammon

Hi Jason - Here are two links to my Amazon author page and my website. I have two World War I historical fiction books and one mostly non-fiction on the Korean DMZ.

I am also the author of five westerns (see cover) that because of a glitch were temporarily taken off Amazon but will be restored. Nice to meet you here.

Best Wishes


John William Sammon

Oh I forgot, I just sold a humor book on aging to a New York publishing house.

Maria Johnsen

I am impressed,John! Congrats on selling your humor book.

John William Sammon

Thank you Maria I am also impressed with your list of accomplishments. Best Wishes. John

Maria Johnsen

Thank you John, cheers!:-)

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