Filmmaking / Directing : Script breakdown: Celtx vs Studiobinder - opinion go! by Cherelynn Baker

Cherelynn Baker

Script breakdown: Celtx vs Studiobinder - opinion go!

Just curious - what are you using now to do script breakdowns with? Have you tried Celtx or Studiobinder? Is there something you use and love?

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

I still use Final Draft - moviemagic/EP. The several times production has used Celtx, it has always had issues with compatibility and format, and been more trouble at the end of the day than it was worth. I have often looked at studiobinder but again it seems it's not friendly with EP or Moviemagic which is still the industry standard, and which I pretty much have to use as a line/supervising producer from day one. While they may be good for the AD process - that still has to mesh with main production management. I am interested in hearing from anyone who has been able to integrate them into a complete workflow.

Doug Nelson

I've used the old FD Tagger in the past but mostly I like to do breakdowns with colored markers by hand. It's slow but it really gets me involved in the story visualization.

John Ellis

I'm with Doug Nelson - old school by hand will really involve you in the story. There are always details you pick up (that affect the production) doing it this way, vs. using software.

FD Tagger is good, too, if you're looking for something quick and dirty. Recently broke down an 8-pager using only Tagger and FD Reports, for a friend. Got the job done just fine.

Conversely, when it comes to disseminating call sheets, Studiobinder's app is really handy.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

John Ellis Truth be told, I end up doing that anyway, on every shoot, and putting it into the software. The only way to do it reliably and to get a real handle on the production.

Kiril Maksimoski

Celtx on short or domestic projects (yes' it's Cyrillic friendly), features and such - Trelby, until I find something better for free. FD? Only if I could hack it :)))

Karen "Kay" Ross

I don't think I realized Celtx had a script breakdown option - HA! And I've never used StudioBinder, but it looks akin to Gorilla/Chimpanzee, which is the cheaper alternative to Movie Magic (EP), and MM/EP is what I was trained on. No matter the software, I always start with the by-hand method, too. Part of it is to eradicate the potential for software error, but also so I have two versions to check one off the other.

Did you try asking this in the Producing Lounge as well? I feel like you'll have a greater response there:

Karen "Kay" Ross

Sorry - MM/EP:


Cherelynn Baker

Thank you for all of the thoughtful responses. I appreciate your opinion.

Ivan Zhurko

We have finally reinvented the way of making script breakdown. Our software makes it automatically - 100 page script breakdown just in a few minutes. And you can export results in MM, pdf, or spreadsheets.

Vincent Turner

where is the script breakdown on the phone?

Angela Cristantello

I also 100% get things started by hand and then use Final Draft, but I used Celtx for a good long while (it's great!)

Ivan Zhurko

Vincent, script breakdown on the phone - available at Filmustage

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