Dear Stage 32, I've gone from writing two books on energy to wanting more say in the creative process by recently completing my first short film that I wrote, directed, produced and acted-in about a CIA assasin who searches for the men who killed his pregnant wife only to learn they are brothers who have legally adopted their dead sister's small children.
All this took place since the pandemic hit, and I have found people are more open than ever, and it is a great time to be in the entertainment business. Besides this short and two books I have written five original television pilots. My last one focuses on the first female President of the U.S. who finds out the first moments in the Oval Office she now answers to the five former living President's of the U.S. - hence the name, The President's Club. I am actively searching for literary management and an agent or managment company who will consider me as a filmmaker, director, actor, and writer. I look forward to connecting, and very appreciative of this site and its members.
Hey, Todd Royal! My name is Kay, I'm the Community Manager here at Stage32. Nice to meet you! Oh, I just met another bloke on the Introduce Yourself Lounge who just moved to LA from DC who also does political narratives. Scroll through and connect with him for sure!
I'd love for you to start a conversation in the Acting Lounge about our recently multi-hyphenate project: Was it easier to do so many roles, or do you wish you could have more helping hands?
Definitely reach out to our Director of Script Services, Jason Mirch, who is excellent at matching projects with potential executives (or managers, in your case):
I think you'd also enjoy my intro blog post on how to engage with the Stage32 Community:
Enjoy exploring the lounges, and don't forget to comment and respond to others’ posts, too! It's the best way to really connect!
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Welcome! Stage 32 a great place to start.
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Hi Todd, nice to meet you! I'm Leslie, a writer too. So excellent that you're staying creative during this time. I've had a similar experience of finding collaborations coming together, despite the pandemic. Looking forward to learning more about you and your work.
Thank you, Leslie. Currently I am finishing a screenplay about the greatest quarterback in NFL history who loses everything, but gains the love and trust of his estranged son. Starting a third book on energy, and submitting my short film I recently finished during the pandemic to festivals. I like you have found this is a great time to be creative, and I am finding people are more open and receptive to different material and unknowns such as myself more than ever.