Introduce Yourself : Cool Is As Cool Does. by Teo Smoot

Teo Smoot

Cool Is As Cool Does.

Greetings and salutations, Stage 32-ers! My name is Teo.

I am new to the community (hence the 'intro post') but old to the trade of acting, writing, directing, and producing. Some at the Hollywood level but most at the Indie. My current focus is to do as much storytelling as I can, in as many mediums as I can, from now 'til death.

Join me, won't you? :)

Tasha Lewis


Teo Smoot

Thank you!

Tasha Lewis

Your welcome!

Roberto Vitale

Hey Teo...til death us do part :))

Paul F. Henderson

Welcome, Teo! It's nice to meet you.

Teo Smoot

Same, Paul

Daly Joachim

Hello my friends, how is everyone out there? Hope all is well... I my story is about to take off soon (in Jesus Christ name). I'm in a few contest with 3 different companies and stage 32 is one of them. I don't have the ability now to go to school or take classes. In Gods name I will make it to the next level. thanks and let's do some movies together, let me produce some songs at your studio and record some hit records for us... screen writer, comedian, artist, poet, music producer and natural healer...

Wayne Jarman

Welcome, Teo. All the best.

Teo Smoot

Thank you kindly, everyone.

Edward Skirtich

Hi Teo- Yeah- Do it- I do the same at PCTV 21 in Pittsburgh, PA and do original scripts about sports, movies, history, and music. Keep it going- Ed Skirtich

Tracey Collis

Hi Teo

Once you are auditioning I would love you to view my SHOWREEL

I am biting at the bit to get back to acting as Covid has been an unwanted intruder.

Tracey Sarah Collis

Hi all fellow film makers, worldwide...hope you are all SAFE!

I’ve returned to acting after 35yrs as a Production Designer.

Born in Berkshire, UK, my parents immigrated to Cape Town, South Africa when I was 3. After graduating from UCT Drama School I immediately followed my true passion of acting on Stage and Screen. A few awards later I found the media attention too much and lost my nerve in front of the camera and turned to the Art Department.

Late in 2018 I realized that it was acting I was after and it’s never too late.

2 Supporting ID DISCOVERY roles and 2 feature leads quickly followed.

My partner and I decided it was time to move back to Europe and arrived in Perigueux in December, 2019. I immediately landed a Boston Scientific advert in Paris, and as Covid slowed down the industry I also landed the lead In SAVE ROSEMARY, a feature filmed remotely by 12 women worldwide. Last week I was meant to fly to London for a good Netflix role but 2 days prior, UK announced a 14 day quarantine for French visitors, red lighting me for the role. Sad but my determination will always drive me forward and I look forward to my next acting opportunity.

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