Holla Stage 32 community, This is who I am (sometimes... when I'm not full of miself... If you please, you could at your own risk type mi name in the search box above y find some of my past accomplishments... Yet, you won't find any current-to-present projects in the works at this time, because of the pandemic crisis that is amongst us... Hence, as far as my planning for future project achievements moving forward, I am currently in pause mode; however, the brain is still functioning and running rapidly... yet I wish my body would follow it's lead because I'm starting to pick up some extra weight gain... :-( So, I'm just sitting on the dock of the bay, creatively thinkin' about Places y Spaces y Things (for the lack of bettre words), yet I welcome all that dare to engage... Don't worry, it won't cost you any Bitcoins, it's FREE, just some of your precious time... Yours truly, Big Dave.
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