Hello everybody. I'm a professional screenwriter from Oregon. I am looking for a few people to give feedback on the first 6 pages of my newest screenplay. If you are interested I will gladly return the favor. Thank you!!
Hello everybody. I'm a professional screenwriter from Oregon. I am looking for a few people to give feedback on the first 6 pages of my newest screenplay. If you are interested I will gladly return the favor. Thank you!!
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Hey! I’d like to read your script. I’m no expert but I wrote novels and love storytelling.
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Sure, I'll take a look.
Anna, tried sending you a message, but it hasn't gone through. Would you send me your email address to my Stage32 inbox? Thank you!!!!
And thank you, all you wonderful filmmakers, for helping me out!!! It is greatly appreciated.
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Laure, I don't recall you from NE (I was a writer) - but that was years ago. You're a local girl... I'd be glad to look at a few pages.
Doug, can you send me your email in a private message? Thank you!!
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Laurie Gabriel I have just DMd you my email address, let me know if you haven't received it! Thanks!
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I have sent you connection request. I can send message only after approval. Thanks.
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I'm happy to help and read it.
Del, could you send me your email address through a private message? I tried to send you a message and it wasn't delivered.