Screenwriting : As a screenwriter, what genres or topics make you nervous? by Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

As a screenwriter, what genres or topics make you nervous?

I'll tackle most any genre or topic. Though I've tread into fantasy territory, it's my least favorite genre. As far as subjects, I don't want to write or rewrite material that is hostile to religion. I've turned down two projects over the last two months that were very anti-religious because I'm not comfortable with that kind of material.

What say you?

Kiril Maksimoski


Let us do a little exercise Close your eyes and imagine:

- Thriller

- Western

- Horror

- Comedy

- War movie

Now, try imagining drama....m? :)))

Erick Freitas

Romance/Romantic Comedies.

Anthony Moore

Comedy and Romance. Both are totally subjective and can cause anger or nausea even when done correctly.

CJ Walley

For career reasons, politics. Far too easy to put yourself in a polarised tribe these days.

Personal taste wise, I just have no interest in fantasy stuff unless it's satire.

Artistically, I don't like writing sexual stuff. It can feel a bit creepy.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Great answers!

Debbie Croysdale

Yeah I’m same as Nick, nothing makes me nervous (unless the butt of an AK47 is down my throat.) However I dislike “Puerile” writing, an addition for the sake of a cheap surprise or something purposely tailored to appeal to sub standard trash market. I can however write fantasy or sex if it serves the plot and carries story forward, which I did for paying clients who were stuck on how to write certain scenes. (Not registered as my own work).

Doug Nelson

None of it makes me nervous but there are genera that I'm not fond of - so I don't write in them (nor do I produce them). I write nothing that involves violence, exploitation, sadism or any other nasty rotten topic. My writing isn't making me rich; but I sleep good at night.

Craig D Griffiths

Comedy. It works or it doesn’t. People don’t reflect and find it fun weeks later. A drama has the benefit of time. You may find yourself thinking of a drama later. Comedy is immediate.

I can’t remember the actor, but his final words were “dying is easy, comedy is hard”.

Dennis Kitainik

I can write most any genre (although I'm not much good at fantasy or horror), but I will NEVER write any material which is anti-American or pro-Islamic, and I will NEVER work with anyone who believes in that crap!

Nina Berlin

I don't do religion or politics.

Todd Bronson

Romance gives me the heebie jeebies. I just want to have the characters abducted by aliens or stomped by giant monsters. "Isn't it Romantic" was a silly parody of romantic comedies, but it didn't end the bloody way I wanted.

Doug Nelson

Basically I'm to nervous to steal and to lazy to work - this screenwriting gig works out pretty well for me.

Christopher Neal Fisher

Only comedy. As the old saying goes, “Drama is easy, comedy is hard”. There are certain scenes that make me a bit nervous to write. Dinner scenes are one. Scenes with kids are another. I suspect both stem from the fact that I grew up an only child, and had few close blood relations compared to most people. To boot, all of them lived several hundred to several thousand miles away, and what cousins I had were either adults or well on their way to being one by the time I came along. So dinners at my house didn’t resemble those of most people. Also comedic scenes, not surprisingly. When I write.”funny”, I try to as organic as possible — stemming naturally from the characters in a scene and their reaction to what’s happening in that scene.

James L. Lytle III

None, You have to be open to all types of genres, to crash through the door and get your work read and produce.

Eric Sollars


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