Hello, from Bucharest, Romania!
I hope all of you are doing well. I appreciate what Stage 32 is doing for us, keeping together as a solid and vivid community. I was thinking a lot in this pandemic period about how important it is to have a sense of communion. I am a lawyer and a screenwriter. In my day to day work, I observed how deeply are families affected, especially now when the divorce rate is increasing. I wrote a feature script ("LonelyTogether") about two spouses that are divorcing each other but end up salvaging their marriage while being quarantined in the same apartment. I hope it could inspire people to give a chance to their relationships.
If members of Stage 32 could resonate with this subject and want to collaborate to make the film, I will be glad to meet.
Sounds like a good message of hope during these trying times.
Thank you!
That's a winner concept Mariana Buric ! Really would like to see you realize this and aid. Send me your draft whenever is ready!
Thank you very much, for your comments! Blessings!
@Mariana I second what others above say, very cool concept and also user friendly because its a script ready to get out now, ( "Social Distance." ) I am starting to write social distance scripts because I cannot bring myself to change scripts I already wrote. What sort of collaboration are you looking for? Eg mainly production or film footage shots done abroad to add to story of "Universal Theme" in today's climate? If a vaccine is not found next couple of years the project could even be a stream rather than a one off film. I hope this takes off for you!
Thank you, Debbie and Jack, for your comments. I need a producer/financier to find the funds for making the film. The project is initially written in Romanian and translated into English. For the English version, I made some changes in the script (the characters are Americans). It can be filmed anywhere in the world. It is a movie based on conversation. Almost the entire story takes place in an apartment. The budget is around 350,000 $ (if the movie will be produced in Romania). For more details about Character breakdown, I can send you a message, if you are interested.
Might want to look at this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wf9N5jo4sIo don't mean to be negative, but this had the same premise, instead of Covid it had zombies.
Mariana Buric why don't you apply for Romanian film fund? Like in many Balkans countries I'm sure your government sponsors films. If the rules are similar to here, you would have to have legit producer attached and director maybe...still with a script like that chances are good...wanna try international (U.S.), I encourage you, but there's different ball game on that field...I read a lot of members posts here seem like are very solid with that field, you should take their comments in consideration. Best luck!
Thank you for your comments! I wish you all, the best of luck!