Cinematography : I work a lot on low budget/fun stuff because it's a break from the corporate work that pays the bills. This is how I make things happen with no time and no budget. by Jim Ross
I work a lot on low budget/fun stuff because it's a break from the corporate work that pays the bills. This is how I make things happen with no time and no budget.
@Jjm I love your grip truck, I could do with one always on hand. You are spot on that with a rushed time limit, the quick but effective shots add richer layers after a Master. EG “worms eye view” “pull in/out” “zolly” ETC. Time is luxury and on some low budget sets blocking and shot listing is a tiny window of opportunity.
Oh waw thank you for sharing, this was really cool to watch. When we shoot stuff it's always a low budget things and we do things in a very similar way because most of the time we only have the location and crew for a day.
My partner actually wrote a blog about our recent project a couple of weeks ago.
Like Leya Kokoravec said this was very interesting. Thank you.
Any time we shoot a narrative project we do extensive preproduction to optimize our time. I've actually created a spreadsheet that let's me calculate how much time we need to shoot something and it's pretty spot on.
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Great tips Jim! I enjoyed that and subscribed to your channel. Look forward to seeing more.
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Hey Jim I enjoyed your video and you made some good points on how to balance time and quality. Will definitely put that to use.
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Love, love, LOVE this! Great information, and fantastic encouragement for indie filmmakers!
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Oh, and I love "Every Frame a Painting" 's expansion on Steven Speilberg's owners. SO GOOD!
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@Jjm I love your grip truck, I could do with one always on hand. You are spot on that with a rushed time limit, the quick but effective shots add richer layers after a Master. EG “worms eye view” “pull in/out” “zolly” ETC. Time is luxury and on some low budget sets blocking and shot listing is a tiny window of opportunity.
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Oh waw thank you for sharing, this was really cool to watch. When we shoot stuff it's always a low budget things and we do things in a very similar way because most of the time we only have the location and crew for a day.
My partner actually wrote a blog about our recent project a couple of weeks ago.
Like Leya Kokoravec said this was very interesting. Thank you.
Any time we shoot a narrative project we do extensive preproduction to optimize our time. I've actually created a spreadsheet that let's me calculate how much time we need to shoot something and it's pretty spot on.