Cinematography : I work a lot on low budget/fun stuff because it's a break from the corporate work that pays the bills. This is how I make things happen with no time and no budget. by Jim Ross

Jim Ross

I work a lot on low budget/fun stuff because it's a break from the corporate work that pays the bills. This is how I make things happen with no time and no budget.

Randy Goodwin

Great tips Jim! I enjoyed that and subscribed to your channel. Look forward to seeing more.

Keenan Kelly

Hey Jim I enjoyed your video and you made some good points on how to balance time and quality. Will definitely put that to use.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Love, love, LOVE this! Great information, and fantastic encouragement for indie filmmakers!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Oh, and I love "Every Frame a Painting" 's expansion on Steven Speilberg's owners. SO GOOD!

Debbie Croysdale

@Jjm I love your grip truck, I could do with one always on hand. You are spot on that with a rushed time limit, the quick but effective shots add richer layers after a Master. EG “worms eye view” “pull in/out” “zolly” ETC. Time is luxury and on some low budget sets blocking and shot listing is a tiny window of opportunity.

Leya Kokoravec

Oh waw thank you for sharing, this was really cool to watch. When we shoot stuff it's always a low budget things and we do things in a very similar way because most of the time we only have the location and crew for a day.

My partner actually wrote a blog about our recent project a couple of weeks ago.

Vital Butinar

Like Leya Kokoravec said this was very interesting. Thank you.

Any time we shoot a narrative project we do extensive preproduction to optimize our time. I've actually created a spreadsheet that let's me calculate how much time we need to shoot something and it's pretty spot on.

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