Introduce Yourself : Moses iyamu producee by Moses Iyamu

Moses Iyamu

Moses iyamu producee

Hi everyone,

My name is Moses iyamu from Lagos Nigeria . Really don't know what to say. Well I have being working on this film project for a very long time now .. For me I believe it's time the Christian film industry begins to us CGI to tell her story instead of the usual way she has being doing for years . It's a big market of over 2billion and it's being under utilized for a very very long time .Til date, passion of christ is still the highest most profitable but bible epic film and I strongly believe that can be broken. Christian find using CGI with the right script can make over a billion or more and I believe I have such a script.. Nothing is impossible and it's true . . Here is a link to a trailer we just did but with the right funds we can make it better and bigger . . Think I have said enough .. thanks

LaSonya Thompson

Hi Moses. Tyler Perry, who is based in Atlanta, has faith in his films and he is currently hiring:

Moses Iyamu

Hi Lasonya. Thanks for this update will look into it.. really appreciate this ..


Kinney Scott


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