Screenwriting : Foreign/arthouse/midnight movies by Kurt Empey

Kurt Empey

Foreign/arthouse/midnight movies

Do we have any other fans of foreign/arthouse/midnight movies? The early films of John Waters sent me down this road, and Taskashi Miike's "Visitor Q" continues to be an inspiration in my writing.

June M Rachelson-Ospa

I love John Waters

Kurt Empey

Then you and I could definitely be friends.

Kurt Empey

And I have a script that is probably right up your alley

William Martell

Yes. I saw VISITOR Q at a film festival where I was a jury member, and loved it. Full of "you can't do that in a movie!" moments. It was my #2 film, and in the jury room a fairly famous actress almost killed me (literally) because the film seriously disgusted her.

Films like that are made independently - the writer-director finds the funding (or makes it out of pocket) and just makes the film. The script isn't sold, the film is made.

If you have a script like that, be prepared to make it yourself.

Kiril Maksimoski

Sure, Lynch (but only early works), von Trier, Gerald Kargl, even Haneke to some point...

Brandon S Reece

John Waters is great - I also love Delicatessen, directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, a French dark comedy.

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