Do we have any other fans of foreign/arthouse/midnight movies? The early films of John Waters sent me down this road, and Taskashi Miike's "Visitor Q" continues to be an inspiration in my writing.
Do we have any other fans of foreign/arthouse/midnight movies? The early films of John Waters sent me down this road, and Taskashi Miike's "Visitor Q" continues to be an inspiration in my writing.
I love John Waters
Then you and I could definitely be friends.
And I have a script that is probably right up your alley
Yes. I saw VISITOR Q at a film festival where I was a jury member, and loved it. Full of "you can't do that in a movie!" moments. It was my #2 film, and in the jury room a fairly famous actress almost killed me (literally) because the film seriously disgusted her.
Films like that are made independently - the writer-director finds the funding (or makes it out of pocket) and just makes the film. The script isn't sold, the film is made.
If you have a script like that, be prepared to make it yourself.
Sure, Lynch (but only early works), von Trier, Gerald Kargl, even Haneke to some point...
John Waters is great - I also love Delicatessen, directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, a French dark comedy.