I am in need of a partner to help me tackle these beautiful creations of mine. The hard work is done just need the gaps filled in more to make the story because screen ready! I am new to this and I am willing to come up with some kind of mutual notarized agreement.
Thank you !
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Excuse me if I'm a bit rough. Why do you need a co-writer? When you write with someone, you have to stand in equal ground. If you're approaching someone to fill your gaps, then maybe you still need job to do. Nobody wants to fill the gaps of someone else's story.
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I agree with Brian. You will get better the more you write “you’ve got this”. Just go through the motions. Read scripts (lots of scripts). Write more. Then go back and look at your script. You’ll see the holes and be able to patch them yourself.
To make a shabby metaphor. If I said “ I have a good life. I just need someone to cook and clean. I think I’ll get married”. You would rightly call me an asshole. That person isn’t a spouse they are a house keeper.
You may need an editor, not a writing partner. Perhaps enter it in comps that give notes. They can be fun.
A partner will bring changes to things you may not want changed.
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Brian hit the nail on the head. Perhaps if you just walked away from it a bit, let your thoughts relax, then go back in you'll fill those gaps quickly. Give it a try.
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Thank you all for your feedback, when I say "fill in the gaps" I don't mean an uneven foundation so to speak. The reason I say I need a co-writer is because of the way I operate when it comes to my writing. It's hard to put in words what I mean but to try, I write out a long breakdown of each chapter or Act. As far as the full script, that is where my co-writer would come in.
Hopefully I am clear, as an example, Say I have a story of my life... I have written down every detail from names to places... basically the important details to actually create the story. Basically, the story has already been written but needs to be spread out and broke down.
As I said before I am completely new to this and from my understanding everyone has their own process. Mines may be a bit weird to the taste, but I promise it isn't uneven ground. I work on multiple projects other than just my stories. Problem is I just don't have the time to do a complete and full script, that's what I mean by gaps.
If I am unclear please just let me know and again thank you for your feedback :)
Better yet, maybe I am not asking the right questions or making the right statements. Do I sell my story ideas if I cannot dedicate the time to write them out instead of having a co-writer? It may sound selfish and I mean no harm but I would want to see these stories through. Note I am not trying to come off as ignorant just trying to figure my options.
Thank you so much Dan that makes sense to me ! Barry, I understand where you coming from and again maybe I wasn't clear but Dan here got what I was trying to figure. Appreciate you all, have a bless one.