Introduce Yourself : Michael Wenig Actor and Screenwriter by Michael Wenig

Michael Wenig

Michael Wenig Actor and Screenwriter

Hi everyone! I'm in the midst of rewriting several screenplays and feel spread out all over the place! However, this is a great place to be when in that condition. All the information and insight from an industry perspective is invaluable. So very nice to "meet" you all!

Michael Wenig

Hi Alyscia. Will keep an eye out!

Richard "RB" Botto

Love the energy, Michael. Fantastic to have you here.

Alyscia Cunningham

Thanks Michael! Sorry I just realized I posted in the wrong thread

Stephen Olson

Hey Michael, it doesn't hurt to have several projects in the works. It is the cure for writer's block.

Tasha Lewis


Izzibella Beau

Great to have you here.

Michael Wenig

Thank you, everyone! It's a great place to be!

Randy Goodwin

Hello Michael. Hope you are staying safe and warm in Idaho.

Michael Wenig

Thanks, Randy!

Tasha Lewis

Your welcome!

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