Hi all, A question for self-editing authors: what do you think about Fictionary (StoryTeller)? Also, do you have an editing routine?
Hi all, A question for self-editing authors: what do you think about Fictionary (StoryTeller)? Also, do you have an editing routine?
Yes, I was asking about Fictionary software. Thank you!
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Victoria Kuzmina I don't use it, and seldom use any software tool for story structure outside of the scene cards option in final draft. I frankly tell my script writing students to absolutely FORGET about format and structure during the writing process at least until they are happy with a full draft. Because (a) it's technical, not creative, and the technical distraction gets in the way of the creative, and (b) although such tools can help with editing, it does tend to make it more difficult to play with act structure, artistic pov, etc. Your mileage may vary byt I recommend using such things only when it comes time to put your work into a saleable format for one reason or another.
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That’s a valuable comment, thank you! I’m avoiding software while I’m writing the first draft. But editing is quite different activity. So I’m looking into options (also, since English is not my native language, I have to be sure that structure and style are at least decent).
Thank you for such a detailed answer!
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Victoria Kuzmina As far as format, the ONE AND ONLY application which is acceptable across the board in production is Final Draft. And having used several, I still recommend Final Draft as being the easiest. It is also the ONLY one which even partly integrates with standard production budgeting and scheduling application, so producers have a much easier time of breakdowns and budgeting process. So at some point, someone will ask you for your script in Final Draft format... might as well use it from the start. Other applications DO NOT properly convert to FD format in my experience, even when they say they do.
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Thank you! I'm writing in Highland (as I'm a Mac user) and I'm happy with it since it's not only for screenplay writing, but for novels and articles. It has export in FD feature, but I didn't try it yet. I have Final Draft as my long-term investment, but atm that's not my priority.
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Also, as to the second part of your question, my routine: (1) I have a general development book to jot down story ideas, scene fragments, sample plots, etc. (2) when I have something with enough interesting to develop a story/script, I open a separate dedicated notebook and do more development notes there. (3) when it comes time to write... a separate notebook (usually 2 or three) in which I write the whole script, by hand. (As compared to typing, the process of cursive writing has been shown to activate more of the creative areas in one's brain - it's manipulating symbol by definition. Also, I just find it easier on the eyes. I use fountain pens, so I don't get the cramping you get with a ball point in long writing sessions). (4) When, and only when I have a complete script which I feel is workable, I then transcribe it into the software (Final Draft). During this phase, I also do the first copy-editing pass and obvious revisions. (5) I leave it for a week or two. (6) I read it through, taking notes, and make obvious, necessary or important changes, copy-editing as I go. (7) I leave it a week or two. (8) I read it again. By now it is flowing properly for the most part, or it isn't. If there are obvious or big changes, I repeat 6 until it seems to flow. (9) I print it out and then read it through, making notes on facing pages. (10) I transcribe all changes into the software, again making copy-editing changes as I go along. (11) I now consider the script to be in it's "first final draft." NOTE that as I said, I do not write spec scripts to sell to others, though I do write on commission on certain projects. Nor is it my practice to show any work to anyone else until it gets to the "first final draft" stage.
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I also handwrite first drafts of everything, including articles. I never had a "writer's block" when I write by hand, while blank screen is very intimidating to me. Thank you for sharing your workflow!
I find reading what I've written on an alternative device, like a Kindle compared to Word, can often highlight mistakes/errors or typos or formatting issues. Also, try reading sections in reverse order. That can help to distance yourself from the flow and blind-reading what's there/not there etc.
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My very first draft is a vomit draft I show no one...then it's usually 2-3 weeks of cooling off period, then I go through it with fresh take and edits...
Hi Victoria, I usually hand write my first draft. It's just part of my process. From there, Final Draft is the software I use. As far as editing goes, I don't care how many times I've gone over something, and had other eyes look at it too, I find some things that need to be changed. Since English isn't your native language, I'm sure there are really adept and skilled people that can look at your work, and quide you. I so respect anyone that's writing, and producing creative content. It takes a special breed for sure!