Does anyone remember when his/her work made it to the screen for the first time???
I mean, how was the thrill like??? How did you feel when the characters you created were speaking the dialogues you spent a lot of months writing??? And watching your own scene sequence???
How did you feel when watching the movie for the first time???
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I felt like a total failure. I thought people would laugh their ass off. I'm my worst critic, and I saw everything that went wrong.
But people rarely focus on that. And many people liked it.
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Yes. There was no 'thrill' but I was happier 'an a clam at high tide when I cashed the check.
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2003...on a premiere in a city museum...I had this scene when a protagonist lures a stray dog with a piece of food nailed on his knife and all of the sudden jumps at it...made one woman in the audience scream....I then knew I'm onto scaring people :)'s so fun!
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Kiril Maksimoski you made me remember when my first short film was projected.
It was at a fundraiser dinner with a lot of rich old people. My short film was 20 minutes of blood splattering everywhere. A lot of killing. Something like American psycho meets Tarantino.
The people were disgusted.
That was the day they asked to see every film by a committee before it was accepted.
There are very few times we get to be an audience of our work. At the first table read, when you see humans interpret your words and make it their own. Next is watching an audience ingest that interpretation and visual representation.
It all excites me. I write to trigger emotions in people. Seeing it is amazing. Knowing that it is happening is just as good.
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A friend, working in a studio here in Ghana contacted me about their studio, wanting a script for a "peace campaign" project in this elections of ours...
I gave him the script in less than 24hrs... It was to be a short film... They loved it and shot it... The studio sent me the film for a preview... I watched it, they did a great work but there was a problem with the voice over... I sent them a note to rework on the voice over but unfortunately it was just a day or two left to election and they have to drop the film...
I watched the distributed film on TV... My heart was filled with sadness I thought they ruined my script because I was hoping everything to be perfect... My friend called and said a "peace campaign movement" has applauded the studio and will be adding the film to the few they are choosing for their campaign.
I didn't like the little mistake found but none paid attention and applauded it... I'm still not happy.
It's so great hear these from you guys... Watching your movie for the first time is really exciting.