Success Stories: JAN'9 Ever Hopeful :)

Angie Baggett

Ever Hopeful :)

On many, many days I wonder if I should keep writing, keep trying to market my scripts. Then I get an email like this and it pushes me, encourages me, and makes me smile:

"We're pleased to extend sincere congratulations to you as a Finalist in The Wiki Screenplay Contest!

You should be encouraged to continue writing, as your scores for Walk through Cold Fire were among the highest in a very competitive field."

#writing #writer #indiefilmmaker #screenwriting #hopeful #inspiration

Gary Smiley

awesome, good news

Jim Boston

Yes! THAT! Way to go, Angie...and all the VERY BEST to you!

Cameron Tendaji

Encouragement and reassurance always comes when you least expect it. Congratulations :)

Katherine De Bois

This is wonderful. Well done

Doug Nelson

Obviously congrats are in order for a job well done - it should encourage you to better yourself in the art & craft of screenwriting. But a word to the wise: Keep your bubble level as you move on. There are zillions of script writing contests going on all the time. A few are good, most are not. They all charge you money (it's a business after all) and the more they can get you to come back; the more they make. Appreciate the encouragement but keep your feet on the ground.

Larry DeGala

Congratulations! Many more successes!

Erick Freitas


David Henderson

Great job!

Frank Gaimari

Congratulations, Angie!

Luciano Mello


Danielle Adams


Lydia Kalmen


Shahin K.taher


Leya Kokoravec


Liisa Evastina


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