On many, many days I wonder if I should keep writing, keep trying to market my scripts. Then I get an email like this and it pushes me, encourages me, and makes me smile:
"We're pleased to extend sincere congratulations to you as a Finalist in The Wiki Screenplay Contest!
You should be encouraged to continue writing, as your scores for Walk through Cold Fire were among the highest in a very competitive field."
#writing #writer #indiefilmmaker #screenwriting #hopeful #inspiration
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awesome, good news
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Yes! THAT! Way to go, Angie...and all the VERY BEST to you!
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Encouragement and reassurance always comes when you least expect it. Congratulations :)
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This is wonderful. Well done
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Obviously congrats are in order for a job well done - it should encourage you to better yourself in the art & craft of screenwriting. But a word to the wise: Keep your bubble level as you move on. There are zillions of script writing contests going on all the time. A few are good, most are not. They all charge you money (it's a business after all) and the more they can get you to come back; the more they make. Appreciate the encouragement but keep your feet on the ground.
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Congratulations! Many more successes!
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Great job!
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Congratulations, Angie!
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