Screenwriting : Query by Earricka Farmer

Earricka Farmer


Can somebody tell me what a query is and explain what you need for it??

A. S. Templeton

As distinct from a pitch, a query is simply a SHORT introduction to a work, presented in easy-to-parse format. Here is a template to start with; adapt as needed:


I am seeking representation for [work's name], a [rating, e.g. PG/PG-13/TV-14/whatever]-rated [feature/TV series/miniseries/whatever etc.].

Writer: [NAME]

Title: [WORK'S NAME]

Genres: Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Action-Adventure, Family, Drama (or whatever; can list several).

Running Time: NN minutes. If multipart, state how many parts and total running time.


(a tight, pithy logline, 33 words max, preferably shorter).

Target viewership:

Suitable for (four-quadrant audiences/adults/children/teens/whatever). Maybe mention things that would affect sensitive/younger viewers e.g. degree and nature of peril, adult themes, clean vs. rough dialogue.

Take-away (such that there is):

(Any objective lessons presented, philosophies espoused, agendas delivered).

Emotional Ride:

(Subjectives, citing 3 or 4 well-known, hopefully profitable works).



About the writer:

Writing since YEAR.

Types of writing.

Writing goals/aspirations.

Memberships in writers associations.

Screenplay status:

Complete (only if true).

State whether sold, optioned, or represented.

State whether registered with the US Copyright Office.

State whether based on (existing IP)? If so, all rights are owned by the writer (only if true).


Mention contest wins, positive coverage by reputable concerns.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


The pilot/screenplay and two-page pitch are available upon request.

Adam Jestin

Check out "Working with Producers" by John Zaozirny. He has a whole section on writing queries. You can download the pdf here:

Earricka Farmer


Leah Poulliot

A. S. Templeton great template!

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