Hi everybody!
A couple of months ago I wrote a blog about a concept pilot we did, called Innocent Love for a show we named Forgotten Wisdom. Which you can read about here: https://www.stage32.com/blog/How-to-Produce-a-TV-Pilot-for-Next-to-Nothing
I also wrote that lockdown prevented us from shooting the last two shots that we needed.
Well the good news is that we were able to shoot the last few shots and even finished up some last minute ADR and foley.
Now all that is left is a little bit of audio work, creating subtitles and we're ready for final rendering.
I can't wait and I know we're all really psyched about it.
Anyway I've been here on Stage32 for a couple of years and met some really cool people and have even began to work with some cool people.
So give me a shout out and let's see what we'll all be doing doing in the future.
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Hey Vital, that's so cool that you managed to get the last two shots! I bet you can't wait for it all to be finished and get it out there. I'm new here so I'll have to read the blog that you linked later so I can get the full story.
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Hi Dan Davis. Thank you so much!
You know I was getting really frustrated about having to wait so we decided to adjust the concept a little and shot everything at home.
I'm really happy that we got everything done, including the custom made score and ADR but then again I'm also a little sad because I know that when it will be finished, there will be nothing else to do and work on. Which always makes me a little sad because you've been working on the project for so long (a year in my case).
But I also know that the work is not done and I have to focus my energy into other aspects of the projects like promotion and pitching it to a streaming service.
At the same time I also know that it will make room for something new which is also great!
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Great news Vital. You must be flying pretty high right now!
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lol you directors and producers speak a different language! it's great. Sometimes us writers forget these ideas actually need to be shot in the real world.
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Nice meeting you Vital Butinar =)
Thanks J R O'Hara. Well I am a little. Actually just waiting for a screener to render as I write this. But there are a few more things to do either way and when it's done the real work starts.
Sarah Gabrielle Baron what do you mean by different language? :) You see that's exactly why I wanted to learn as many aspects of filmmaking as I can to have a sorts of barring if you will.
Eric Graciano nice to meet you too.
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that's inspiring. I have a bunch to shoot for a documentary series we paused because of COVID. will be thinking creatively to get it down like you. thanks for sharing!
Thank you Jared Isham. Well we also put a couple of projects on hold that we didn't even start yet. Thankfully next week we get to shoot an overdue music video but this project just kept bugging me because we were missing so little.
Anyway I hope you figure out a way to shoot what you need for your documentary series.
What's it about?
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Congrats on putting the finishing touches on your project!
Thank you Lewis Knight. I happy we're at the point where we're near the final version.
But at the same time I'm kind of sad because I was asking myself while creating the English subtitles if we made the right decision in doing it in our local language.
I a project that we did prior to this one was in a big way impacted by the problems the talent's had by speaking English. So with this project we decided to do it the other way around. Always the dilemma.