Introduce Yourself : Brand Spanking Newbie! by Lewis Knight

Lewis Knight

Brand Spanking Newbie!

Hello, everyone. Like the title says, I'm brand-new on the site, so I'm still checking things out and have a long way to go. I'm an author seeking to break in with turning some of my works into screenplays.

I write mainly gritty sci-fi, epic fantasy, with a lot of cross-genre work in between. The last time I did anything similar to this was a stint on Amazon Studios when it was a thing. Hopefully, I can replicate some of the fun challenges I experienced here at Stage 32.

I'm here to learn, connect, and hopefully get a project or two rolling. Looking forward to building relationships and making positive connections!

Steven M. Cross

Hi, Lewis. Glad to meet you. Stage 32 is a good place to hang out, especially if you have questions. The lounges are very helpful.

Lewis Knight

Thanks, Steven!

Lewis Knight

Thanks Aray Brown. I'll have to check him out!

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