Another covid year ahead 4 kids at home such fun ill be a qualified teacher by the end of this weird world we're in right now as for anything else is there really any point in making plans I think not and truth I'm loving and living life right now spending time with my 1yr old and 9yr old and I mean time we been in lockdown for over a year an they really are what life's about even more as there mum sadly passed away shortly after out son lucifer reign was born and he will be 2 in just over 3wks time an his sister lilith Ruby who has just turned 9 keeping them happy is taking up all my time and I'd now not change that for nothing not a job a role a part no nothing could replace the smile and fun you get each day spending hours just having fun with the whole point of this crappy life the only thing that's worth while an it's took a pandemic to open my eyes our kids are all that matters that love you have no job nor money could replace for the first time I've felt true happiness even with the tragic loss of a wife and mother at 53 it took a pandemic and spending time locked in at first I thought would be hell and now I don't want this time to end
So widowed single dad at 53 2 older children 31 an 26 and yes both still sponging I mean living at home and a 9yr old divitch in the making and my 1yr old devil who melts everyone he meets, who's amazingly still alive and on 15th march he will be 2 sad he's only going to know his mum from stories we tell he was but 3 mth old.
Hey, David Oneill! My name is Kay, I'm the Community Manager here at Stage 32. If you'd like to learn more about myself and the Stage32 Team, we have an intro blog: https://www.stage32.com/blog/Meet-the-Stage-32-Team Nice to meet you and welcome to the community!
Wow, what a rollercoaster of a year you've had! Are you a screenwriter? You should definitely channel this into a story! What will you be teaching?
Hi kay nice yo meet you to
And thanks the few friends I have to say I should write a book as since tragedy happened losing a wife and mother when our son was only 3mths old started 3days after grief but still it happened single mum from daughters school was on pta with now bear in mind I'm 53 she was only 25 but I know so bad and only 3 days had passed now 19mths on I feel bad But still friends with all all I can say is grief can be a strange time and weird shit happens an she was just the first then another just happened started off with just a hello the next she was in my bed 26yr old this time but then again and so on in all I'm ashamed to say but worst is not one over 33yrs and all stunning apparently all my close friends don't get how I can as they say pull way out of my league but I really don't know what I say or do but maybe 34yrs of marriage stored up some kind of sexual energy that took over that night I found my wife just lying there so peaceful yet gone, now I'm just starting a new relationship yes but we've known each other a year and yes she knows every detail of the weird time as I now call it I've even now got a dominatrix a submissive and a sissy all freakishly worship me and do whatever I say its just weird but kind of distracted me and got me through and my daughter is smiling and happy again an my son lucifer will be 2 on the 15th this month my new partner says I should write a book an call it your never to old just not persistent enough oh she is 31 an even she can't believe it and she actually witnessed more than a few as I said we were friends only but since boxing day 2020 been secretly seeing and yes id quit all the young ladies in November I just woke up one morning an felt normal I'm still good friends an chat to all most days but I'm happy and my babies are happy they miss there mum but smile when they think of her and what she's missing lucifers first steps first word which was and still is ALEXA next worst is he says it to you if he don't like what you say or try telling him off but all happy almost 2yrs later an with lockdown looking like its easing my surgery may now go ahead just another thing that friends can't get there head around so I'm 53 almost 54 yet I've as they put it pulled women from 21 to 30 they all want you most still message you an your now or have been seeing someone everyday since boxing day an ya not just friends as its obvious your together your both to happy an always together with the kids just friends bollox they say lol we only decided tonight we might tell a select few the older kids already know they keep telling us my 9yr old and her 11yr old kids eh so looking back it's as one friend put it you is living in a porno movie an someone switching channels so you get a different lady he wants to know how as i pulled even during lockdown cause he been single for 5yrs an not from lack of trying he also pissed off at me cause he 27 and a hot 21yr old he thought he had pulled so video called me to boast but I said hi your cute next night she was in my bed its just been a weird unbelievable time I've tried to write it as it all happened but just get lost trying its just not believable its easy to tell but harder to write down an I just ain't the time 2yr old are a nightmare lol I've just got him back to sleep 4am an ill be up at 8am school run then meeting my new lady I'm cooking for her tonight and the kids of course we swap 1 night here for tea the next at hers like I said weird times.
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Thanks for connecting, David. As a retired teacher, I know full well how trying it can be to teach kids all day, and then have the patience for your own when you come home. Escaping into my writing worked for me.
I know the feeling, this has been a wierd 2 years, but has given one time to reflect and really think about what is important in life. As long as we have each other, our family and sufficient for our needs, we cannot really complain too much. Thanks for joining my network. Helgi
Welcome David! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.