Animation : Mocap Animation for Kickstarter by Hagop Kane Boughazian

Hagop Kane Boughazian

Mocap Animation for Kickstarter

Hey all,

I'm working on a kickstarter for my second book in the Hidden Gems series (middle-grade series) and I've decided that instead of being in the kickstarter video myself, I would have my four main characters present the project. So, here is a test - rough test. Using facial and body mocap.vimeo password is !234v



p.s. I wrote a long and detailed post, but then when I went to add the video link, I lost it all. So, here's a shorter version.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Congrats on your project, Kane! Sorry to hear about your post, but don't forget to share you link on your profile and in the Your Stage Lounge, too!

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