Introduce Yourself : Jon Griffin by Jon Griffin

Jon Griffin

Jon Griffin

I am so happy right now!! I am a member of The Writers' Room and I have gotten some great feedback on my one-hour police drama pilot script titled "UNDERCOVER BLUES" and I'm currently working on the series bible right now.

I'm also getting some feedback from the members in The Writers' Room about my feature "WHODUNIT?" which is a satire of the film noir genre of the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s. I would love to enter it into the National Lampoon Screenwriting Competition this year.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Jon! Congratulations, sir! So glad to have you in the Writer's Room, and great to hear you're getting such value from it! You've missed Stage 32's Comedy Contest deadline, but your drama series could still be entered into Stage 32's Drama Writing Contest (it accepts both features and TV):

Tori Clay

Thanks for all your efforts to help us and the opp to suggest educational tangents. Mine is for a very limited audience though. I will put it out there. I was a moderately successful sagaftra actor with a resume of about 60 films and 25 plays, a hit commercial, and way more as I did pretty much everything one can do above and below the line. Plus combat, stunt driving, precision driving, coaching, coaching on set, stand up, comedy improv and more. I worked with A-list stars and I don't mean bg. I mean close enough to get pranked and to prank them back. I came out as a transgender woman about 5 years ago and my agent dumped me. In the next 4.5 years, I had 2 plays. I quit the union recently as it was a needless financial drain as I can not even get bg anymore. Now or at least until the virus closed all the clubs around here, Boston, I was using a just discovered talent as a singer, songwriter, guitarist and in the few months that I was doing it, pre-covid, I had already played a big benefit and a bunch of clubs and more recently I played live on a Hollywood radio station to a national audience on election day doing a political song and an lgbt benefit on the bill with Melissa Ferrick. It all started on a dare too. And now a producer that loves my stuff is taking me into a studio on his dime to record.

But, back to acting, I get it. All the transgender female roles are for young, attractive, ones with gorgeous hair and a real feminine voice. None of which are me. Recently I did 4 shows with the same lgbt production company online but only the first one as female. The following 3 were, as a Russian male assassin, then a Texan 'Nam vet, and then a game show host. Now, out of the union, I have more options though.

So my suggestion is some male to female transgender-centered training, especially for ones like me that are still saddled with an incongruous male voice. I even sing as a male. I know there is not much chance of it but no one else does it either. As far as I know anyway. Thanks for your time..

Jon Griffin

Karen "Kay" Ross Thanks! I am going to do just that! I definitely will enter it into the contest! Thanks for the info! Much appreciated!!!

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