Jumping into the IYW with my intro. I’m recently retired and fulfilling my long term desire to write screenplays. Currently working on a drama feature with a few more in the pipeline. Looking forward to mastering the craft, networking, and supporting one another in this exciting time of my life. If you would like to connect I can be found on Instagram @DawnSellersPDX And Facebook @dawnsellers
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Good on you, Dawn, for pursuing your passion. Love stories like this. So glad you stepped out and made this post. Fantastic to have you in the community
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Yay Dawn, love that you are following your <3
Well this just made my day :)
So wonderful to hear that you're fulfilling this dream and making your heart happy, & so thrilled to have you as a member of our Community.
Good on you for fulfilling your dream, Dawn. Lots of networking opportunities on this site like the Writers' Room. Great lounges. Lots of folks eager to help.
Go for it, Dawn...best wishes
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Welcome Dawn! I'm right there with you. I'm not retired but I am many years into my professional career that is not in the entertainment industry and I am moonlighting to become an author/screenwriter by trade and identity. I'd love to network with you.
Great decision to enter screenwriting. The world needs great films.