Hi everyone! I’m Jon Snow, (Yes, truly. You don’t think I’d pick this name on purpose do you?) and I’m an actor and a writer, originally from St. Louis, Missouri. Things I’d like you to know about me: 1. I am the survivor of a religious cult and sexual/physical abuse, and I now use my story to connect more deeply and openly with others. My aim is always to help anyone who has felt the bitter sting of these kinds of atrocities to know they are not alone. 2. I’m currently a top 10 finalist in the Stage 32 6th Annual Television Writing Contest, with a script I wrote with my sister about our time, and ultimately, our escape from the religious cult in which we were raised. 3. I have a recurring blog here on Stage 32, Casting: An Actor’s Perspective where I share the secrets I learned by being a reader for over 10,000 auditions as a reader for different casting directors in LA. 4. If you ever meet me and feel like yelling, “you know nothing, Jon Snow!” - just know, I’m cool with it.
You have a fascinating story John! Are you planning on adapting your scripts to film or have you already?
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Hey Jameson, thank you for the kind words, and I’m currently only interested in continuing to develop the story as a tv series. I have other writing projects, some of which are meant to be for film.
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That is a big story Jon, and I imagine theres been years of adjusting. Kudos.