What is everyone using for Preproduction in today's climate? It seems we have had the time to prepare. Do you use any software, storyboards? Hire someone? I am really curious.
What is everyone using for Preproduction in today's climate? It seems we have had the time to prepare. Do you use any software, storyboards? Hire someone? I am really curious.
Chirp, chirp, chirp :)
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Postponed my short film four times already. Moved from December to March, then to April, then to August. There's only so much rewriting you can do before you go insane! Storyboarded everything, did floor maps and got the story down to the beat. Just need to actually get on set to do it! I use frames from other films as references for my storyboards since I can't draw properly, then work with someone to bring those to life.
I made 4 films in the last two years. One was in post when Covid hit and we completed it and screened it last May. The other was conceived and completed all within Covid with everyone working from their home and even went to an on-line festival. One is in post now. Pre production was all done via zoom with people and sending files via google docs and final draft. Shooting was done in the summer while restrictions were less and it was done in Paris. Post is happening now and finding post sound is hard. Everyone is busy and swamped. Need to get it to festivals soon
Our workflow this year went like this: we coordinated our staff with a program called Asana. It functions a lot like trello if you know what that is. From there we did online auditions with actors ( we used a site called Backstage). Our storyboards were done through Google slides. Most other issues were tracked through Asana, with links to various Google drive folders. We also utilize StudioBinder for projects.
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Setting up a committee and will review software and Stage 32 resources.