I've used FD 9 for years but for 80 bucks, I fell for updating to FD 12. It looks to have a lot more bells & whistles - I'm wondering how long it'll take to figure 'em all out. There's some stuff in there that I've never seen before. Anybody else made the leap?
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Feature comparison table.
Latest changes are focused around the beatboard, notes system, and pdf importing.
It's clear the increased competition is causing big steps forward and competitive pricing.
I would like to test improved multi-language support first. It’s not working properly in FD 11.
The note system may be of value (I'll let you know). I've been using FD like forever - from 4(?) thru 6, 8, 9 and now 12. It's always treated me well but lets face it - format is format.
I have 11 and I'm wondering if I need 12...I'll need to research the "bells & whistles"
I have tried almost every bit of software and once I used FD I fell in love. There are pros and cons to each. I used to use Fade In as well as FD11 because Fade In would import PDFs and I do a lot of punchups and get a lot of PDF scripts. Now that it's in FD12...and works so much better. I love it more.
This is certainly not a paid endorsement as they certainly got my money.
I think the question is if you will really need all these new 'bells & whistles'. I stay with my version. And even don't upload my Mac anymore - but it's an old Mac hence it's better to keep it as it is.