Introduce Yourself : It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance! by Teagan Miller

Teagan Miller

It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance!

Hi all, my name is Teagan! I'm new to the industry and just trying to gain as much knowlege as I can. I'm located in Denver, Colorado. I'm currently working on creating a childrens animated TV series that is language immersive.  Excited to be apart of the community. Best to you all!  

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, Teagan. How are you doing? What does language immersive mean?

Myriam B

Hey Teagan, if you ever need help with French, je suis là! ;)

David C. Velasco

Good luck on your series!

Marketa Nozinova

Sounds so interesting! Good luck!

Edward Skirtich

Hi Teagan- Cool- welcome to the world of producing- My name is Ed Skirtich- writer , actor, producer and set designer at programs with Pittsburgh Community Television 21. As a producer- I write about- what will this project be about? Why will tis be important? How will I attract people to be on the TV program. Peace and Blessings and Stay Connected- Ed Skirtich

Mariannjely Marval

That's wonderful! Children can pick up languages so quickly, it would be great! Which language are you working with?

Jerzy P. Suchocki

Welcome, Teagan! Quite an interesting project you got there!

Teagan Miller

Thank you all! I'm still getting the hang of Stage 32 and can't seem to figure out how to respond individually to for those of you who had questions here goes:

Maurice- Hi! Think like Dora the Explorer but my show builds off each episode so there is a lot of repetition.

Myriam- Ah, merci beaucoup! My pilot season is in Spanish, which seemed logical for the US market. However, my dream is to expand the show in multiple languages so I will let you know if I make it that far. Bon, on se parle bientôt.

Edward- It's nice to meet you. Those are all such good questions and ones I've been keeping in mind as I devolop my series. Thank you and blessings to you!

Mariannjely- Yes, exactly! I've done a lot of research on language development and it's amazing the way children pick it up without consciously trying. My pilot season is in Spanish but I would like to expand it to multiple languages so parents can choose whichever they would like their kids to learn.

Edward Skirtich

Hi Teelgan- I''m honored to have you as a colleague and very moved I could mentor you. Yes- make a plan- be prepared- make sure you give the right copy- revise but give the crew you're final product. If producing- now exactly what to do- I did a show with great radio play by play for football Pitt Panthers and Pittsburgh Steelers Bill Hillgrove- I had everything mapped out and written for him and we're still in contact. Good luck Teegan and stay connected. Sincerely- Ed Skirtich

Damion Gonzales

Hi Teagan, let's do this!

Maurice Vaughan

Sounds like an interesting series, Teagan.

Jax Meyer

Hi Teagan, I'm also in the Denver area. Are you in Wiftco?

Sandeep Sharma

Teagan Miller Welcome to this incredible community!

Teagan Miller

Thanks again to everyone who said hi!

Jax, I was actually just watching the Stage 32 + Female Voices Rock Webinar and one of the ladies is in WIFTA. That was my first introduction to the organization and I was pleased to see they have a Colorado chapter. Thank you for suggesting it!

Mark Bowes

Hello, Teagan. I'm a screenwriter in Denver. Have years of experience in pre and post-production, as well. Welcome to the community. Your project sounds exciting.

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