I'm going to submit it to some playwriting competitions but in the meantime want to work on understanding how to pitch it to a producer as a screenplay. Do I have to rewrite it as a screenplay to have it considered by a film producer? I'm new to this and appreciate all the "experienced" voices out there to help me on my journey! Many thanks in advance. Susan Decatur
Hi guys, I'm a newcomer and seeking affordable full length playwright competitions. Any leads please. Thanks
Abubakar - Panndora's Box offers a contest with a 10$ entry fee. (Note 2 N's in spelling of Panndora.)
It doesn' have to be rewritten to be considered, but it does need to be rewritten if you want it sold in the format of a scrrenplay wih the intention of making it a film. I'd be happy to learn more about the project - I've sent you a connection request!
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The Austin Film Festival "stage play competition" is $20 early on. As for stage to screen. . . Screen Craft is about to have a stage to screen competition opening on June 1st. They are looking for stage plays that could be adapted into films.
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Thanks, Mary. I'm entering my script in both of those competitions. I'd not heard about Panndora's Box and will look into that one as well. Meanwhile, I'm going to work on formatting it into a screenplay as well so I can enter it in other film festivals, too. I appreciate the feedback and support, everyone!
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As a playwright and screenwriter, I've had a lot of difficulty turning plays into screenplay -- so much dialogue and so little action. Good luck on your endeavor. But I do suggest starting over with the material.