Hi everyone - just wanted to say hello and introduce myself to the group.
My name is Jason Todd and I live in Grande Prairie in northern Alberta, Canada. When I'm not writing or keeping my golden retriever Turk out of trouble, I'm a forestry contractor with my brother. Our company WolfRam Field Services specializes in FireSmart (fire prevention treatments) and silviculture like tree planting and spacing.
The past year has had a lot of challenges, but one silver lining for me has been rediscovering my love of writing. I've realized screenplays and treatments are usually a lot more fun to write than business proposals and tender documents.
Being an entrepreneur for 20+ years has shown there are a lot of similarities between running a small business and the path to becoming a professional (paid) writer. Networking, marketing, and selling yourself as the one for a project is a big part of both endeavours.
I look forward to meeting all of you throughout the course. I'm always available to bounce ideas off of or get a second opinion, so don't hesitate to reach out.
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Hey Jason, nice to e-meet you! Are you working on a work place comedy about the forestry contracting business? I'm half joking that actually sounds like a cool premise! "The Office in the woods of Alberta!".
I think I just found my next project :) We've got enough chainsaws for a proper horror / comedy, but that probably wouldn't be good for business.
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Hey Jason, thanks for starting the chat in this group! Nice to meet you, glad that 2020 gave you time to get back into writing :-) What is the story you're working on for this course?
Hi Jennifer, nice to touch base. The project I'm working on for the Lab is called "Film School of Hard Knox" about a film student who just lost her scholarship, and her professor trying to get his life back on track after a mid-life crisis. They turn to crime to solve their money issues, but the line between fiction and reality is blurred when they take inspiration from Hollywood and end up stealing from the mob.
Love to hear what you're working on Jennifer -
cheers, J