I found this video from The Take about the "soft" Leading Man, and it dug into the history of gender roles leading up to it, which made me wonder - how are we, as writers, allowing for a deeper understanding and acceptance of gender roles? Who do you draw from when creating those characters?
The way I wish people were...
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The way the story needs them. If the story needs Macho cops, it gets macho cops, if it needs a gay woman a gay woman.
Gary Floyd - I would legit watch that!
Who cares about gender roles -- what really matters is where you stand in the Great War on Terrorism!
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Something I've come to see as a good thing, which I used to see as a frustrating thing, is when you come to cast and there's a bit of a hurdle to get over. There aren't a whole bunch of well established actors who immediately fit the role. That's when you know you potentially have something progressive.
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Good point, CJ Walley! That could even be a good exercise for a writer - to imagine who might play the role to see how they are pre-conceiving of the gender identity. Mmm, GOOD STUFF! long-distance high-five
Definitely, will check this out
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I think it's a great exercise full stop, Karen "Kay" Ross, as it also means they can come to the table with casting ideas too. Great way for a writer to get more involved and start thinking like a producer.
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Kay, when it comes to depicting gender roles, I try to look at my own life and try to draw from relatives, coworkers, people I've gone to school with and gone to church with, and...since I've started using tools like Prewrite and ScriptHop, performers I thought would be great choices for the roles I've come up with.
Gary I'd watch that too!