Is it still 80 lb. cardstock? What colors? Used to be "manila" (like folders) color. Also baby blue. HELP please? Best sources please? THANKS! Rebecca R.
Is it still 80 lb. cardstock? What colors? Used to be "manila" (like folders) color. Also baby blue. HELP please? Best sources please? THANKS! Rebecca R.
3 people like this script sent as .pdf file electronically?
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Yes, 99% electronic these days. Only if they request it.
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Great! Thanks so much, Cannon!
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Specs. Yes, 80lb -- see complete rules:
But nowadays it's 99 % PDFs electronically. But some producers still want printed screenplays' accompanied with a query letter to be sent to them through the mail. Why? Simple. If you can't put in the effort of doing this, youré not proactive and worth their time.
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Rebecca, I'm from those days when we printed hard copies of our scripts on 3 ring hole punch paper & bound them with 2 brass rivets (not 3) and sent them off via snail mail. The title page could be card stock or just 20 lb. paper - your option. Nowadays we just push a button on our computers to send a .pdf file and let them print it off. I still keep 3 hole paper hard copies in binders on my shelves.
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Doug, you sound so organized. I love hard copies and papers, but I've learned to become more digitally oriented and now prefer it. But hey, Woody Allen still uses his what works for you...on your end that is. Do what the person you're sending it to wants you to do or not do.
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Thanks friends! Really appreciate all your helpful and encouraging voices and ideas chiming in! Since discovering Stage32 just a few months ago, I'm finding boxes full of my writing (from "back in the 80's") and it's like meeting myself again--what joy! I'm discovering old producers' notes of encouragement and suggestions for reworking on some TV episodic dramedies that I never rewrote and, though they're long out of production, I'm reworking and using for new series ideas. Rutger, I like your idea of also sending the printed screenplay with query letter. Actually have had some interest from producers I've pitched on this site, and have felt affirmed and thankful. What a SUPER fun and exciting time to still be in the wonderful world of WRITING! Blessings on you all!
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Doug I think is on it. Seems like a PDF is the new printout.