Introduce Yourself : Hi everyone! by Alicia Sekhri

Alicia Sekhri

Hi everyone!

Hello everyone, my name is Alicia Sekhri and I live in France. I'm (self)-learning to become a screenwriter and currently exploring the audio series format as well. I'm super interested in everything related to writing, directing, and music supervision - so feel free to reach out! I'd be glad to learn about your experience and just make new friends :) Thanks!

Harvey Read

Hey Alicia! I'd be happy to help with any questions you have - I have sent you a connection request.

Kiran Maverick

Hi Alicia! Audio Series sounds interesting! Would love to know more!

James Welday

Pleased to meet you, Alicia!

Alicia Sekhri

Thanks, everyone! Glad to be here.

Wilfrid Muse


Myriam B

Bonjour Alicia! Contente d'avoir de la french compagnie! :) Welcome here!

Alicia Sekhri

Merci Myriam!

Michael Joseph DeRosa

Thanks for connecting. I always used Final Draft, but their updates are actually less progressive than this free software, "Writer Solo." It used to only be an online application, but now they have a desktop download, which is great! It will save as a Final Draft file, and import Final Draft files. So I'm using that now. You can't beat the price, ($0.00), and it works great. I like some of the features better than Final Draft! :)

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